We've created some easy introductory lessons to help you introduce the Culture Kids program to your young students.
If you you have questions, please contact us.
broadway center for the performing arts - Performing arts Exploration
Discover how we can tell communicate information with our bodies, voices, and imaginations; utilize light and sound amplification to enhance performance. Download activity curriculum.
buffalo soldiers museum - Adventures of the Buffalo Soldiers
Learn about the Buffalo Soldiers. Engage children in exploring the lifestyles people had in history. Download activity curriculum.
For Class or Homeschool Visits you can download a Group Visit Social Story and Group Visit activity.
Children's museum of tacoma - PAINT TO MUSIC
Invite children to connect feelings and emotions to music and express these feelings as they create colors, lines and movement using watercolor paints. Download activity curriculum.
foss waterway seaport - How are boats powered?
Learn how different boats move and create your own boat powered by baking soda and vinegar. Download activity curriculum.
job carr cabin museum - PIONEER FOOD
Get a taste of pioneer life through listening and doing. Help children understand how pioneer life is different from and the same as life today.
Download activity curriculum.
museum of glass - BUILD A CHIHULY
Connect with a local artist and design a vessel that looks similar to a Chihuly vessel. Download activity curriculum.
tacoma art museum - Recycled Animal Sculptures
Students will gain practice making creative choices to express an idea. Download activity curriculum.
tacoma historical society - What is a Museum?
Introduce students to the the purpose of museums and why museums are important. Download activity curriculum.
symphony tacoma - Learn About Pitch
Build a simple instrument that allows students to experience pitch. Download activity curriculum.
washington state history museum - BE A HISTORIAN!
View and talk about images of the past to stimulate creativity and critical thinking. Encourage language development, attention to detail, creativity, and critical thinking to answer questions. Download activity curriculum.